Alti Wine Exchange

How to enjoy your wines this summer, from fresh to reds


Sparkling wines are also known for their quite cold serving temperatures: perfect for summer

Sparkling wines are also known for their quite cold serving temperatures: perfect for summer

Aaah, summer. The heat, the beach or lake trips, the open-air gatherings, the barbecues… and the wine, too!

With the covid-19 pandemic, plans really are not the same anymore, but it surely doesn’t mean the season is ruined.

Depending on how your country’s guidelines for social interactions are, this shouldn’t be much of an issue, then. And there’s also the fact that you might be enjoying with your closest ones, so nothing changes in that case!

Oh, sorry if I forgot to reintroduce myself. I’m Breno, today giving you a take on how to enjoy wine in the best way this summer.

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For many wine appreciators, summer means sparkling, white or rosé wines, for example.

One can understand why: these are always served best at colder temperatures, as we have recently shown.

Your best bet, if you’re only thinking about the freshest possible servings in the face of the warm or hot temperatures, is to look for sparkling wines or crispier, mineral, low-bodied white and rosé ones.

These are the wines that go best with the cold serving temperatures, being best at as cold as 5°-10°C (for the bubblies) and 7°-10° or 12° (for the lightest whites and rosés).