Alti Wine Exchange



As I grow immensely in popularity, I’ve noticed more of you interested in my personal life. I didn’t begin e-blogging with this in mind, but I don’t mind indulging every now and then. I imagine my intellect intimidates a lot of you, so maybe shedding some light on myself would give those readers much-needed comfort.

Dear Sommelier Ferdinand,

I love learning about wine from your column!! Would you ever consider starting a winery, and passing it down to your young? It would be a shame to see such expertise go to waste!


Thank you for your question, David—but I can tell you’re new here. The first thing to know about this Sommelier is that I don’t have any descendants bothering me day in and day out. The only young I have is youthful whites and youthful reds—and they take up a sizable portion of my day!

Having said that, David, I have tremendous respect for family-run wineries. Some of them have centuries of history—like Staffelter Hof, which is the oldest functioning wine company in nearly every European country. Imagine the history, the lineage of the best winemakers; terroirs, blends, and vines for over a millennium. That is something to behold.

Even if I was unfortunate enough to be burdened with offspring—or dare I even mention it, a loving spouse—I still wouldn’t try my hand at running a winery. Sure, it would likely set records and blaze my name into history, but the truth is, David… my palate is too refined.

In the art world, they’d call me a critic. People like me exist to ensure quality in the field, to keep winemakers in their place. Were I to no longer taste and present wines for a living, the sharpest critic would be lost, and the wine world would most likely suffer lower standards across the board. I know I sound conceited, but don’t be mistaken; there is no ego involved. This is not about Sommelier Ferdinand, but merely Sommelier Ferdinand’s palate.

There are those that create, and those that make things better. Me—I make things better. You can thank me later.

In the meantime, David, why not check out Alti Wine Exchange’s newest IBO from Staffelter Hof.

-Sommelier Ferdinand. 23.11.21